MRSI MOVEMENT RESEARCH PROJECT OF THE ITALIAN SCIENTIFIC AND 'A project that requires time and passion WHY' It is a political movement of the center is not based on NEW TO ASHES OF ANY OTHER PARTY OR MOVEMENT
MA which is based on FAMILY VALUES AND FREEDOM '
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
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Overcome their fears. School
The daily discussions on the Internet or in everyday life often gives me the inspiration for the articles published on your blog and, in recent days discussing the origin of behavioral and psychological problems of anxiety, or speak less "medical", the things that scare us .
Some say that our fears have a genetic origin, or that depend on bio-chemical imbalances in the nervous system.
Anyone who has read the articles on these topics of this blog knows that I believe that us, which is our mind to create the reality we live in, without going to disturb the nervous system or the genetic code.
The explanation is very simple, because: Who is not afraid something? We all fear. Fear is a very good feeling, because it indicates that we must avoid the dangers or how to deal with. If, however, exceeds a certain threshold, it can become a phobia and become a serious personal problem.
I think us, with our behavior to ensure that this threshold is exceeded.
Based on data from a few years ago, the "ranking" of phobias include:
the first place: the dentist.
Second place: Planes.
Third place: Birds.
This list tells us which are the most common phobic fears, but the human mind can develop a phobia for almost any thing or situation where you can find or that it faces.
are also very popular phobias of dirt, heights, and sea water, various types of insects, but also the car, and, of course, open space, and here we go nell'Agorafobia, often associated with panic attacks.
What unites all the people who developed a phobia? All
put into practice one or more attempts to overcome the fear, which, however, exacerbate the problem instead of helping. This problem starts at the moment, an event which gives rise to the phobia.
A panic attack in an airplane or in a square, a malaise, an idea that convinces us that we are afraid of something.
planes fall, so I fear, or the dentist will make me suffer terribly, so do not go there.
From this event or idea, People who develop a phobia to start AVOID the feared situation. Or to deal only with the help of someone. These behaviors, instead of helping exacerbate the problem instead of solving it.
Avoid face our fear feeds fear itself as a powerful fertilizer makes plants grow in our garden.
said the poet Fernando Pessoa:
"I carry on my skin all the scars of the battles that I avoided combat."
If we are to overcome a phobia, we must learn to "Do Avoid " our fears, learning tools and strategies that can help us restore faith in ourselves.
Our fear, once overcome will be transformed into courage.
To help improve and strengthen ourselves, I published this Report that I recommend to those wishing to discover how to grow personally reaching their goals.
We saw then how the mind to create fear, based on our behavior, but it's the same mind that can help us to get out, or change our lives in many, indeed all aspects. To see how
Monday, March 14, 2011
Nuclear insecurity
As a scientist I have always held the principle of doubt that keeps me from having absolute certainty.
I had already surprised that a scientist like Professor. Veronesi had allowed itself to be certainty about the safety of nuclear installations to the point of accepting the appointment as president of the Security .
Well, I think that the facts are worth far more of the views or opinions of so-called scientists manipulated.
Professor. Veronesi would be an act of intellectual honesty and moral courage of admitting a mistake and resign by the court.
As a scientist I have always held the principle of doubt that keeps me from having absolute certainty.
I had already surprised that a scientist like Professor. Veronesi had allowed itself to be certainty about the safety of nuclear installations to the point of accepting the appointment as president of the Security .
Well, I think that the facts are worth far more of the views or opinions of so-called scientists manipulated.
Professor. Veronesi would be an act of intellectual honesty and moral courage of admitting a mistake and resign by the court.
Friday, March 11, 2011
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A Job In Internet.
Continuing to talk business on the Internet, I would like to point out an opportunity and a service that is not readily available.
It is available to anyone who wants to learn to work with the Internet, or improve their way of working, a real school via email and Skype goes step by step in creating a business online.
The main difficulties encountered in working with the Internet are different depending on whether we are beginners, or even if we are to where you would like to work with the Internet but you have no idea how to do, or we already have our business but we want to improve for better results.
School of Flavio Carretti own answers to these two requirements.
Known as one of the emerging network marketer, and esteemed as a consultant and trainer, Flavio truck has decided to launch this service which, as far as I know, is the first real school to work with the Internet.
The school is aimed at those who want to understand is the beginning and how the work in the Internet, point the way to work that it considers most suitable to their abilities, their needs and wants time to devote to this type of activity. Or
to improve and strengthen those who, like me, one of its activities, has already started.
This article is short, I will not elaborate on the contents of the pages of school because Flavio already very well explain the content and the enormous potential that this school is for everyone.
At a time of enormous difficulties in the working world, where everything is very expensive, especially the training of quality, to have a personal guide to a truly affordable cost, is an opportunity not to be missed.
You will be guided step by step, and the most interesting thing is that you learn working on it!
right, after you locate the right way to work, you will go right away and we will act step by step to improve the workplace and to improve their skills and knowledge.
And without all the mistakes that are inevitable when starting a new path.
err is the only way to learn, and how Ford said, "Only he who does nothing is not wrong, but some errors may pay dear, not only from an economic standpoint, but as motivation decreases because of the difficulties. This risk is immediately passed.
The last thing I would say is perhaps the most interesting part in the school, you can also choose to become employees of Flavio, me and other networking professionals.
up the good work.
Friday, March 4, 2011
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Our Movement, Movement MRSI Italian scientific research, is ready to mobilize people and their sosteitori on the Internet against any referendum to repeal the Gelmini reform.
because we want to advance scientific research and our youth towards a future without caste and recommendations.
In short, to the meritocracy that is precisely the path embarked by this law and not to the barastro that chastity of Researchers of the Left that wants to sink our country for fear of serious comparison with other states on the real research. ITALIAN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH MOVEMENT
Our Movement, Movement MRSI Italian scientific research, is ready to mobilize people and their sosteitori on the Internet against any referendum to repeal the Gelmini reform.
because we want to advance scientific research and our youth towards a future without caste and recommendations.
In short, to the meritocracy that is precisely the path embarked by this law and not to the barastro that chastity of Researchers of the Left that wants to sink our country for fear of serious comparison with other states on the real research. ITALIAN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH MOVEMENT
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
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help themselves to help others.
To be successful, must be good, that is to be able to care for their patients, or, better yet, prevent these from being sick. In order to do this is to be very good, making it even better, help many people. In this way, will spread the voice, and the number of his patients will increase, increasing also its revenue. Patients will be preserved in health care or return assets in the company to perform their tasks.
Spinosa said: " Just my happiness can make the happiness of others."
The most common objection is that if a person thinks to herself does not think that is selfish to others.
This is according to me a false problem.
Imagine a doctor who wants to succeed and should not only be helpful to his patients become rich thanks to his work. Obviously I'm talking about a doctor honestly think that only the good of his patients / customers.
make an example more clear and articulate. If a consultant helps
a director of a company to improve its ability to communicate with employees, they will feel more valued, work better, imagine that these are doctors, nurses, teachers see it as a done deal "for themselves" cause a reaction positive chain that is reflected in many areas of society.
If a parent in trouble download my eBook education, improves his way to speak with her children, and these, growing in charge and make sure they move effectively procuring success in life to them and to others, family, friends, colleagues, etc..
I talked to doctors and counselors, teachers or directors of the company, but if it were not for the street sweepers who clean the streets, the chefs who cook, maintenance workers of ... everything, would not be possible even the cha apparently things are "more important".
This is true for anyone telecom operator, hotel porter, for each job that you can play in our society.
All these people work for themselves "and thus do good to others.
not remember who said this sentence: "No matter what you do but try to do it as best you can." (more or less said so). But
encloses the sense of what I say.
A parent who "let his son if the cords alone," when they can do of course, reinforces the character much more over-protective attitudes that characterize many aspects of modern education that produces in fact, mostly young fragile, with low self-esteem and difficulties in their way in life. The aid must be given when necessary and should enhance the ability of the recipient, do not feel like an incompetent takes place with the aid in excess.
A parent who does not understand the importance of strengthening the character and personal autonomy hiding behind the phrase: "poor thing is small / young, must help him in everything" (from the study tasks and to tie his shoes in 15 years ), hidden behind this "aid that makes it incapable" personal difficulties and actually responds to her need is not that of the son or daughter.
In such a difficult time, from the economic point of view and not only, if everybody were to think about how to improve ourselves, we could certainly improve our surroundings and we do not like or that it poses a problem, whether work or money, the education of children or the relationship with others.
Who thinks to self-improvement, better (and helps) inevitably others.
Good growth and the next.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
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wir leben Autos
What the hell does this mean for Opel advertising slogan?
When I listened to him without looking at I thought it said "wir lieben Autos, we love the car.
Today I looked at the spot and the phrase is stated in writing, literally means "we live in the car."
I see that others are asking the question ( others), attempting a daring translation: we live for autos.
Or a wittier:
interested explain it this way:
fool, especially for a public broadcast on non-German speaking countries.
What the hell does this mean for Opel advertising slogan?
When I listened to him without looking at I thought it said "wir lieben Autos, we love the car.
Today I looked at the spot and the phrase is stated in writing, literally means "we live in the car."
I see that others are asking the question ( others), attempting a daring translation: we live for autos.
Or a wittier:
're alive until Sberbank and Magna / GAZ screw us and start moving production to Russia. The
interested explain it this way:
But we do not only build cars, we live for cars and the word "leben" Our expresses high level of energy Which can be felt by everyone Whose Life Is Touched by an Opel.
fool, especially for a public broadcast on non-German speaking countries.
Monday, February 28, 2011
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Finding your idea to work with Internet
Many people do not start their business on the Internet they do not know what to do, ie which field or industry focus.
In this sense, start a business on the Internet is no different from opening an off-line, people choose their area, usually based on two types of evaluations.
1) are dedicated to what you have always wanted, after their own interests and passions.
2) They do a market survey to assess what the sector can be more profitable, according to market demand and competition.
These are the two criteria you can use when you decide to start a business, both online and off-line.
The first criterion of choice is in my opinion the most rewarding because it allows you to focus on what you have always wanted or desired, and where you feel more prepared.
Many people, however, are afraid to take this step because they feel they live up to teach something to others, or believe they lack the capacity or the necessary information.
Or even think they have nothing they can teach others.
We all possess the skills, knowledge and skills and surely there is someone who may be of interest. It does not matter if we are not number 1 in the industry that we are passionate about, what matters is that surely there will be someone who knows less than us and is interested in the information we have.
In the previous article I suggested to get a few questions:
I like to do more than any else?
What I'd like to do even for free?
What are my passions?
What I can do that might be interesting and useful to others?
What knowledge I have that I could convey to other people involved?
You can be passionate about fishing, football, fashion, ways of health maintenance, restoration of furniture or looking for mushrooms in the mountains.
And write that! For example, a basic course on how many trout fishing!
I'm making examples, but I'm sure everyone has the resources, skills, knowledge and that someone is looking for these knowledge and these skills.
If we realize that we have gaps too large, we can always put a study to improve, and after some study time we will surely be better prepared.
Buy books and / or eBook, "plunder" the Internet looking for what is lacking, study it and organize it so that it can be resold in the form of info-product (If you are interested in how to create and publish an infoprodotto go on this site ).
Or you may decide to work, always following their own passions, but using the products of others. If you
interested in the welfare and personal growth products can be promoted in that area, as if you are passionate about books you can affiliate with one or more libraries on-line.
can promote travel, sports, cars or ways to save energy.
Whatever it is our passion.
Internet really gives you a great opportunity which is to engage in what we like at really insignificant compared to the offline world.
Open a sporting goods store is definitely much more expensive to make an affiliation with a store and put your affiliate links on the Internet.
Not to mention that then the work if properly set continue in automatic or semi automatic and could be devoted to another or to increase their knowledge.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Flexible Flyer Swing Set
mysteries of faith
If you make the union of the categories or groups of people who continue to offend Berlusconi ( teachers, magistrates, "the left", women, civil servants, temporary workers, etc.). I can not imagine who remain outside :
mysteries of faith: unless each of those categories in mind that the insults are directed at everyone else but not him.
If you make the union of the categories or groups of people who continue to offend Berlusconi ( teachers, magistrates, "the left", women, civil servants, temporary workers, etc.). I can not imagine who remain outside :
- professional male
- male employees of the UIL
- male farmers Coldiretti
- retired prelates of the above categories
mysteries of faith: unless each of those categories in mind that the insults are directed at everyone else but not him.
him as an admirer of Berlusconi, is exempt from criticism.
him as an admirer of Berlusconi pulls out of chaos.
him as an admirer of Berlusconi, has a bright future.
him as an admirer of Berlusconi, is a real idiot.
him as an admirer of Berlusconi, is a real idiot.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Why Men Like Blonde Big Breast
Tweet Fiction
Filming Outside Class (RAI 1) appear to be adopting a technique from Twitter or SMS. Each scene lasts a maximum of 15 seconds: the first ten lead to the climax and the last 5 for the final turn.
This is a new cinematographic technique appropriate to the times?
certainly do not regret the scenes of 15 minutes of Antonioni, but I wonder if you can really carry a story in this way.
Filming Outside Class (RAI 1) appear to be adopting a technique from Twitter or SMS. Each scene lasts a maximum of 15 seconds: the first ten lead to the climax and the last 5 for the final turn.
This is a new cinematographic technique appropriate to the times?
certainly do not regret the scenes of 15 minutes of Antonioni, but I wonder if you can really carry a story in this way.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Dewey Body Dementia How Long To Live
The way forward for work on the web.
"Only those who have a big dream can make a big dream" .
M. Gandhi.
In the course of the previous article to start working with the Internet I said that I think the best way to open their business is to create and use your product or service.
For some people this is easier than for others. Some
know exactly what they want to do, which idea to develop and use such of its powers. For me, for example, it was easy, being a psychologist, training and personal growth were immediately on the industry to which I have decided to dedicate myself.
There are people who have difficulty in choosing an area in which to pursue, most often through ignorance of as we all have skills and abilities, and also because they ignore that you can become experts in a field in a short time and then use this new knowledge to pass on to others who are looking for.
But let's see how to find their own idea of \u200b\u200bsuccess and understand how our knowledge and our skills can help us to improve our lives.
Step 1: What do I do? Many people believe they have nothing to offer. This attitude is deeply wrong. We all possess the resources, knowledge, passions and skills. I recommend you get these questions:
I like to do more than anything else?
What I'd like to do even for free?
What are my passions?
What I can do that might be interesting and useful to others?
What knowledge I have that I could convey to other people involved?
Based on the answers to these questions that we will decide concretely what we're going to do, what will be our goal.
2 nd Step: Establish good our goal as: "to write and publish an eBook, publish a gardening course on-line, etc..
3 rd Step: Make an inventory of the resources you need and what we have. To work with the Internet you need:
products or services to offer.
A web page or blog.
tools for advertising your product or service.
The skills and knowledge to better use the tools.
4 th Step: Getting the resources (or the knowledge we need and we do not possess).
All resources and tools necessary to start a business with the Internet are available to anyone who wants to use them and we want to build the necessary skills. They are also available at really insignificant compared to the cost of a store off-line.
In the internet you can sell shoes without shoes, or give vent to our creative and use what we do to make it available to others.
In future articles we will see other aspects of the work on the Internet, now if you want a real professional course for beginners to work on the Internet go to this site .
the next.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
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Working with Internet access - what to do.
This and the following items gathered together all the tools necessary to be considered a During the first base to begin to understand how the work on the Internet today.
On the web is full of people who offer miraculous to earn enormous sums quickly and easily. Beware of them.
Start an Internet activity is a job, and like all the work will result in only those who are willing to commit to and work hard.
To learn how to work with the Internet you will need the skills and knowledge that you can not get from just reading a blog, but surely you'll understand how the automatic work on the Internet (also considering the confusion that there on the subject) and I suggest all the necessary tools to increase your skills and your abilities. If you need to get started, you will lack nothing.
Sure, I think, as I said, training and study are essential, but you already know this by now, nothing is free or is achieved without effort.
The difference between working in the web and work off-line is:
The possibility of starting a business with low costs compared to the offline world.
The possibility of reaching a huge number of people in a short time.
Starting their own business on the Internet, you can:
Building a second income.
supplement their income. If
become a very successful first real job.
to work and build an income on the Internet there are several possibilities, I will speak of those linked to the sale: a product, service, advertising space.
Regarding the potential to earn by providing space on your site or blog you can sell to a private part of your site and charge, or use Google Adsense.
From my point of view this may be a good way to gain if it manages to reach a large number of visitors to your site and this is not easy, especially in the beginning.
The best way to work and earn money with the Internet is for me to sell or promote products or services.
In this way you can earn even without receiving thousands of hits per day, for the simple reason that the proceeds of a sale is more than a click away.
So for every visitor that arrives on site the revenue potential is greater.
Traffic still essential, but also speaks of this in future articles.
E 'can start an Internet business in two main ways:
use (and buy) its products and services (eBooks, info-products of any kind).
Use of other products and services (more info-products, but created by other people. You can also use physical products, cellular, books, advice, anything. This is the system of affiliation or resale rights a given product, a system that if you want to know now better go here or here.
Although the second way of working a great way to create an alternative income, I feel the principal adviser to the first possibility.
Create your own product is a guarantee of continuity in time and allows you to use their skills and abilities to start a little (or big) business.
addition to the possibility of realizing themselves through their interests and passions. Very few people today can claim to be made through their work.
A very interesting road to follow to do this is to realize own info-product.
In this way, in times of trouble, our passion for our business sorreggerà us and help us overcome the difficulties.
So, in summary, to start their own business in the Internet there are two possibilities, one does not exclude the other:
Use a product or a service created by us
use of services and products created by others.
I personally I use them both, I use my skills and my personal knowledge to write and publish my eBook of education and training and to provide personal counseling over the Internet.
At the same time promotes the work of others that I consider high quality, and this is a way to provide help and advice to others.
Many people believe they are not able to create your own product or service, but they are wrong and in future articles I will give some tools that can help you find your own idea and their own way.
Meanwhile, I suggest you visit this page .
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Pimples Burst In To Scars
MRSI Press Release: After Fini, we expect positive responses from all the political forces and institutional
February 21, 2011 19:38
Notice is hereby given that the President has ordered the transmission of your e-mail
the relevant parliamentary committee, so that 'Members who are part
can examine it and take actions they deem appropriate
Best regards.
The Secretariat of the President of the Chamber of Deputies
Pelino PAUL: After interest from the Speaker of the House ON. Gianfranco Fini, which placed the transmission of the letter that I sent to the high offices of state, the relevant parliamentary committee, in which letter states that in Italy there is a serious problem with respect to a caste that blocks the release of research. And after my call to work together for a better future for us young that we prepare ourselves to face the world of research where international competition and hard for all researchers who every day have to go abroad because he is not recognized in their home just because they work judged by the person or prejudice and not to research or project proposed.
I expect a response and a desire for collaboration with our Movement Political Movement for Scientific Research Italian MRSI unanimously by all political forces that hold true to the Answer Wizard, and by a comparison of the institutions to discuss our proposals for improving and return to Italy great in science.
ask in order to print the proper attention to the Movement MRSI because we are raising an issue as serious as that of research in Italy and the future of our young
President of the Movement for Scientific Research MRSI
Italian Paolo Pelini
February 21, 2011 19:38
Notice is hereby given that the President has ordered the transmission of your e-mail
the relevant parliamentary committee, so that 'Members who are part
can examine it and take actions they deem appropriate
Best regards.
The Secretariat of the President of the Chamber of Deputies
Pelino PAUL: After interest from the Speaker of the House ON. Gianfranco Fini, which placed the transmission of the letter that I sent to the high offices of state, the relevant parliamentary committee, in which letter states that in Italy there is a serious problem with respect to a caste that blocks the release of research. And after my call to work together for a better future for us young that we prepare ourselves to face the world of research where international competition and hard for all researchers who every day have to go abroad because he is not recognized in their home just because they work judged by the person or prejudice and not to research or project proposed.
I expect a response and a desire for collaboration with our Movement Political Movement for Scientific Research Italian MRSI unanimously by all political forces that hold true to the Answer Wizard, and by a comparison of the institutions to discuss our proposals for improving and return to Italy great in science.
ask in order to print the proper attention to the Movement MRSI because we are raising an issue as serious as that of research in Italy and the future of our young
President of the Movement for Scientific Research MRSI
Italian Paolo Pelini
What Is Plats Hairstyle
Ref: Letter the President of the room
Secretariat of the President Fini
Notice is hereby given that the President has ordered the transmission of your e-mail
the relevant parliamentary committee, so that 'Members who are part
can examine it and take initiatives
deem appropriate.
Best regards.
The Secretariat of the President of the Chamber Members
Object sender mail: Sent via Site - Letter to the President of the room
the attention of the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano
, the President of the Silvio Berlusconi and President of the House and Senate
Renato Schifani and Gianfranco Fini I
Presidents express my disappointment and my discomfort
Italian citizen, even more than the president of a political movement that wants to raise
Italy at the top in scientific research,
For the situation that our country lives in science. Here in Italy
you can not perform a free search without going to a caste of barons and
researchers who do the good and the bad weather and that if
not give their consent can not do a search even though important, in clear violation of this
ARTICLE 9 of our constitution
Which leads inevitably drain our brains of our country
A flight that began long before the university reform minister
Gelmini, contrary to what some would have us believe, a flight dictated by
true and healthy will that those who care about the search to see its efforts
really realized or not, but based on the facts and not opinions or prejudices of someone
that too many times without even seeing the data or projects
spits judgments of the validity or otherwise, or judges
a research project based on the person who proposes it, and not according to the data presented
. I feel Presidents on behalf of the Movement
and act on the Minister for Education Gelmini and the government have made a courageous and
reform for too long waiting, which I hope will bring a wind of
modernity and freedom in the Italian research giving everyone the opportunity to do research
scientific researchers, students, etc. ...
because research stems from curiosity and not by pieces of paper that many
times do not represent the true capabilities of the people but only the ability to learn concepts that
then maybe you are not put into practice
correctly, but some people give the right to judge and maybe ruin
hope or dreams of a young man who wants
bring its contribution to the welfare of his country why I named president of the Movement
as President I ask YOU to President and Government of
to establish independent commissions consisting of international experts to assess
the research projects of all without any prejudice to
assess the merits of the project and not the person who proposes it. I think
this is a thought shared by all Italians. MRSI is ready to do its part
with all the political leadership of the country
best to give a future to our country and our young people. Sincerely, Paolo Pelini
Ref: Letter the President of the room
Secretariat of the President Fini
Notice is hereby given that the President has ordered the transmission of your e-mail
the relevant parliamentary committee, so that 'Members who are part
can examine it and take initiatives
deem appropriate.
Best regards.
The Secretariat of the President of the Chamber Members
Object sender mail: Sent via Site - Letter to the President of the room
the attention of the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano
, the President of the Silvio Berlusconi and President of the House and Senate
Renato Schifani and Gianfranco Fini I
Presidents express my disappointment and my discomfort
Italian citizen, even more than the president of a political movement that wants to raise
Italy at the top in scientific research,
For the situation that our country lives in science. Here in Italy
you can not perform a free search without going to a caste of barons and
researchers who do the good and the bad weather and that if
not give their consent can not do a search even though important, in clear violation of this
ARTICLE 9 of our constitution
Which leads inevitably drain our brains of our country
A flight that began long before the university reform minister
Gelmini, contrary to what some would have us believe, a flight dictated by
true and healthy will that those who care about the search to see its efforts
really realized or not, but based on the facts and not opinions or prejudices of someone
that too many times without even seeing the data or projects
spits judgments of the validity or otherwise, or judges
a research project based on the person who proposes it, and not according to the data presented
. I feel Presidents on behalf of the Movement
and act on the Minister for Education Gelmini and the government have made a courageous and
reform for too long waiting, which I hope will bring a wind of
modernity and freedom in the Italian research giving everyone the opportunity to do research
scientific researchers, students, etc. ...
because research stems from curiosity and not by pieces of paper that many
times do not represent the true capabilities of the people but only the ability to learn concepts that
then maybe you are not put into practice
correctly, but some people give the right to judge and maybe ruin
hope or dreams of a young man who wants
bring its contribution to the welfare of his country why I named president of the Movement
as President I ask YOU to President and Government of
to establish independent commissions consisting of international experts to assess
the research projects of all without any prejudice to
assess the merits of the project and not the person who proposes it. I think
this is a thought shared by all Italians. MRSI is ready to do its part
with all the political leadership of the country
best to give a future to our country and our young people. Sincerely, Paolo Pelini
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Feet Arches And Ice Skating
Tripoli threatens the EU. Answer the President of MRSI Paolo Pelini From Italian and European do not accept blackmail or threats by Libya!
Tripoli threatens the EU. Response of the President of the Movement Political Movement for Scientific Research MRSI Italian Paolo Pelini From Italian and European shall not accept blackmail or threats by Libya!
"Libya threatens to stop cooperating in combating illegal immigration if the European Union will continue to" encourage "the protests in the country"
From Italian and European do not accept threats or blackmail them by Libya! Italian President Scientific Research Movement
Tripoli threatens the EU. Response of the President of the Movement Political Movement for Scientific Research MRSI Italian Paolo Pelini From Italian and European shall not accept blackmail or threats by Libya!
"Libya threatens to stop cooperating in combating illegal immigration if the European Union will continue to" encourage "the protests in the country"
From Italian and European do not accept threats or blackmail them by Libya! Italian President Scientific Research Movement
Star Is Born Baby Shower
the attention of the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano, the Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and President of the House and Senate, Renato Schifani and Gianfranco Fini
I express my disappointment and presidents my uneasiness of an Italian citizen even before the president of a political movement that aims to revive Italy led the way in scientific research,
For the situation that our country lives in science.
Here in Italy you can not perform a free search without going to a caste of barons and researchers who are the good and the bad weather and do not give their consent can not do a search even though important, this in flagrant violation ARTICLE 9 of the constitution of our
Which leads inevitably drain our brains of our country
A flight that began long before the university reform minister Gelmini, contrary to what some would have us believe, dictated an escape from the real and healthy will that those who care about the search for truly see his efforts or not, but based on the facts and not opinions or prejudices of someone too many times without even seeing the data or projects spits judgments of validity or less, or a research project judged according to the person who proposes and not according to the data presented. Presidents
I feel that I represent on behalf of the Movement Movement ITALIAN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH MRSI to give and act on the Minister for Education Gelmini and the government have made a bold reform and for too long waiting, which I hope will bring a wind of modernity and freedom in the Italian research giving everyone the chance to do science researchers, students, etc. ... because the research comes from the curiosity of people and not by pieces of paper that often do not represent the true capabilities of the people but only the ability to learn concepts that then maybe you are not properly implemented, but some people give the right to judge and possibly ruin the hopes and dreams of a young man who wants to make its contribution for the good of his country why I
President on behalf of the Movement MRSI ITALIAN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH MOVEMENT as President, I ask YOU VI President and Government of establish committees consisting of independent international experts to evaluate research projects, all without prejudice to evaluate the merit of the project and not the person it proposes.
I think this is a thought common to all Italians.
MRSI is ready to do its part with all the political leaders of the country for a better future for our country and our young people. Sincerely, Paul
the attention of the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano, the Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and President of the House and Senate, Renato Schifani and Gianfranco Fini
I express my disappointment and presidents my uneasiness of an Italian citizen even before the president of a political movement that aims to revive Italy led the way in scientific research,
For the situation that our country lives in science.
Here in Italy you can not perform a free search without going to a caste of barons and researchers who are the good and the bad weather and do not give their consent can not do a search even though important, this in flagrant violation ARTICLE 9 of the constitution of our
Which leads inevitably drain our brains of our country
A flight that began long before the university reform minister Gelmini, contrary to what some would have us believe, dictated an escape from the real and healthy will that those who care about the search for truly see his efforts or not, but based on the facts and not opinions or prejudices of someone too many times without even seeing the data or projects spits judgments of validity or less, or a research project judged according to the person who proposes and not according to the data presented. Presidents
I feel that I represent on behalf of the Movement Movement ITALIAN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH MRSI to give and act on the Minister for Education Gelmini and the government have made a bold reform and for too long waiting, which I hope will bring a wind of modernity and freedom in the Italian research giving everyone the chance to do science researchers, students, etc. ... because the research comes from the curiosity of people and not by pieces of paper that often do not represent the true capabilities of the people but only the ability to learn concepts that then maybe you are not properly implemented, but some people give the right to judge and possibly ruin the hopes and dreams of a young man who wants to make its contribution for the good of his country why I
President on behalf of the Movement MRSI ITALIAN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH MOVEMENT as President, I ask YOU VI President and Government of establish committees consisting of independent international experts to evaluate research projects, all without prejudice to evaluate the merit of the project and not the person it proposes.
I think this is a thought common to all Italians.
MRSI is ready to do its part with all the political leaders of the country for a better future for our country and our young people. Sincerely, Paul
Friday, February 18, 2011
Instructions For Playmobil Rock Castle
150th anniversary of unification of Italy 150 th year that represent our history!
150th anniversary of unification of Italy 150 th year that represent our history! ITALIAN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH MOVEMENT
With this slogan we want to make our small contribution to political and Italian citizens to celebrate 150 years of national unity

150th anniversary of unification of Italy 150 th year that represent our history! ITALIAN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH MOVEMENT
With this slogan we want to make our small contribution to political and Italian citizens to celebrate 150 years of national unity
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Planning Church Anniversary Celebrations
The European Telecommunications Standards Institute has Developed a standard for phone chargers : pity though it tackles only half of the problem.
A charger has an input and an output: agreeing on the output does not solve the major problem Plagues That all electrical appliances in Europe:
I wonder why, Despi previous attempts, the EU has not been able to force the European electrical manufacturers to agree on a common plug.
We will have a single charger for the phones, but we will have to carry half a dozen adapters for each appliance.
In some cases, UK for instance , the adapter is bulkier and bigger than the device itself, not to mention the charger.
Moreover the adapters are dangerous: they can take fire because of poor contacts creating a resistance, as it happened to me once. I was lucky I was saved by our cat, which noticed the fire inside a kitcken cabinet and started to meow.
It is ironic that Europe has been capable of creating a common currency, but not a common electric plug.
The European Telecommunications Standards Institute has Developed a standard for phone chargers : pity though it tackles only half of the problem.
A charger has an input and an output: agreeing on the output does not solve the major problem Plagues That all electrical appliances in Europe:
the power plug.
I wonder why, Despi previous attempts, the EU has not been able to force the European electrical manufacturers to agree on a common plug.
We will have a single charger for the phones, but we will have to carry half a dozen adapters for each appliance.
In some cases, UK for instance , the adapter is bulkier and bigger than the device itself, not to mention the charger.
Moreover the adapters are dangerous: they can take fire because of poor contacts creating a resistance, as it happened to me once. I was lucky I was saved by our cat, which noticed the fire inside a kitcken cabinet and started to meow.
It is ironic that Europe has been capable of creating a common currency, but not a common electric plug.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Watch The Bait Bus Fro Free
you ask of a trainer.
Last time we saw that when you decide to invest in their training must be good at picking people who can help us.
We have seen that the test to be used is that the results we achieve.
beginning is like jumping blindly, and so it is important to follow the advice of those who have more experience, we can help you avoid making mistakes that will inevitably pay the consequences, if only to have thrown money and time.
Now let's see specifically what we should make a trainer for us to say that I have made the right choice.
First we must give knowledge and skills, both technical and personal.
If we learn to work with the Internet and do not have any knowledge, this person we must explain how today's work on the Internet.
At the end of the lesson, or at the end of reading this guide, we downloaded, we need to understand how this type of work.
addition skills must be able to provide the tools.
That is, besides having explained how the work in the Internet we must also teach how to apply what we have understood or learned.
We must therefore explain the what and how to do it.
And this at a minimum.
To learn something new must be motivated. The basic reasons we have already resent, or even the best in the world would be able to teach us anything, however, our trainer, our master must also be good to give us the right motivation, especially in times of difficulty.
is because, as in all things, even working in the Internet will come when we will be in difficulties. Things will not succeed as we wish, maybe we will stay for long without earning anything or earning very little. And a number of obstacles.
The person we choose as a trainer will give us the tools to address and overcome these moments when we run the risk of demoralizing and to abandon the work.
In addition there will help to overcome the obstacles that inevitably encounter on our way.
To do this it is essential that this person gives us his assistance and advice in his time, even when the course we will have done ol'eBook that we will read will already be finished.
assistance over time is a critical factor because the situations to be addressed and the tools to be developed constantly changing and it is essential to keep up to date and to rely on a valid support over time.
We then saw a trainer to actually be able to help us, must be able to provide:
knowledge, tools and skills.
We must help in times of difficulty.
We must help to overcome obstacles.
must provide support and advice over time.
Entrusting Nicola Bertrami I got all this, Nicola is accompanying me in my online business and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to start working with the Internet even as it offers an unmissable opportunity for those who really want to start to use their skills on the Internet.
In fact, in addition to providing the tools and skills needed to work on the Internet, as well as support, motivation and support in times of difficulty, Nicola also offers the opportunity to work with him (and me), try look HERE.
As you can see, not only for Nicola teaches you to work with the Internet, but also gives you the opportunity to collaborate , then start your business with all the support, experience and skills necessary.
If you were not already working with Nicola take advantage of it immediately, because, alone, it is much more difficult (though not impossible) to start and run a business online.
should, in addition to training, to have reliable partners.
I found them and if you want to trust me, you too can follow my path and will soon be online with your business.
To see this opportunity GO HERE
Monday, February 7, 2011
Dancing Dresses Poofy
Consulting and Training for personal growth.
This article is officially opened my business Consulting and Training Staff On-Line.
To request a personal consultation you can use the mail profile that is here.
education of children, weight loss and nutrition, family or troubleshooting:
If I can not help: FREE. And if you can recommend the best way for me to intervene.
If instead I believe I can be of help: from 20 to 50 euro per cycle of mail (3-5 working email, more explanations and questions, chat or skype if necessary).
remember However you can receive my personal assistance downloading the free eBook on the topic of my interest. (For the report "Getting What You Want It" is the advice on the content of the report and looking for operational tools)
consulting work on the Internet: FREE.
To receive full details please write to 'address that is here, describing the goal to be achieved, or the nature of the problem and the help that you want to receive, it will be my care respond within 3-5 days unless otherwise communicated to when it sent the mail.
It 'important to note that this advisory does not have any character of psychotherapy, psychological counseling or medical intervention, this is advice given on a personal level.
not hold any data that I will be sent beyond the time necessary to respond and complete the task, apart from the email address remains in memory in the e-mail and in any case I will not give in any way to third parties. Any data that needs to be in my possession t Treaty shall be in accordance with Article 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003.
To request a consultation, you can send an e-mail address at the very here.
How Can I Stop A Mouth Cut From Bleeding?
CPI AVELLINO and BS IRPINO: Honour foibe MARTYRS! It will only

The Directors Provincia di Avellino CasaPound and Block Student Irpino claims action for the commemoration of martyrs Foibe completed Saturday, February 5 at the crossroads between Europe Corso and Via Giacomo Matteot you , anticipating that the February 10 national and beyond. The militants have Avellino unrolled a banner that read Foibe I do not forget, presiding over the central area, distributed hundreds of leaflets,
leaving a wreath at the foot of the monument to those who died for their country: "After several years February 10 was established on the day of remembrance to commemorate the victims of the sinkholes, the flyer states signed the ICC and Bs. Between 1943 and 1945, Italian troops on the eastern border slave led by Marshal Tito, with the complicity and silence of the Communist partisans killed over 20 000 people, including women, children and the elderly, forcing other 350 000 exile after the war, from areas as historically Italian Fiume, Istria and Dalmatia.
"Avellino Irpinia have not forgotten the massacre suffered by our countrymen- says the head of the provincial CasaPound Avellino Valerio Criscuoli . A strong interest and popular participation of Avellino. This is the result of a striking growth of our young community who are thinking of build and not destroy, pointing to the cultural dialogue and confrontation, and defends an Idea lives in the present, without accepting any kind of provocation. "
At the forefront of female students and students of the Student Block. Mark Galluccio, regional manager as a symbol of the community that has circled the Lightning, said that "the Block Student Irpino this year is doing his best to inform and be in the world that the Day of remembrance instituted in 2004, yet another event is not empty and devoid of content. Our Saturday militants have been active for the first event in the square, but we will continue with leaflets, posters and conferences organized within the school. "Furthermore, all sites do not comply will mobilize in Irpinia network to celebrate the day of Remembrance, Thursday, February 10 from ten to eleven. Hundreds of websites, blogs, forums, and thousands of Facebook and MySpace profiles, accompanied by the Tricolour draped in mourning, will observe an hour of silence in respect for the fallen at the hands of Italian partisans Tito. The virtual event, now in its fourth edition, is promoted by CasaPound Italy, in collaboration with Novopress Italy , NoReporter and Radio Bandiera Nera .
How Soon Can You Wear A Girdle After Giving Birth
Learning from the best teachers.
The best way to start doing something you know well and where there is no experience is to have it taught.
Going to school. Exactly.
Like when you want to learn to play an instrument go to music lessons, if you want to learn to work with the Internet you have to let you teach those who are more experienced and does this time work full.
Ia question that arises now is who to choose? Where can I get help?
Internet is full of people who offer to teach us anything, not just work with the Internet, and is very easy to be disappointed when you do not take real catch.
This is not because the Internet because the network is exactly equal to the offline world.
There are people prepared, serious and honest, there are people less valid, and there are real scams.
How then if you are at the beginning and in practice you do not know anyone?
The motto of this blog is: "Those are real resources to help you."
Therefore the best way to see if a person is worthy of our trust is to give her a chance. If that person will help us achieve the results it means to be a good resource, otherwise it will be better than abandoning it and choose someone else.
"Yes, but if I spend 1000 euro on a course I do not need, I will have thrown away cmq € 1000.
This is true because there are many courses so expensive, also made by smart people, but do not provide the right tools, or do not give clear explanations do not provide enough support, attention and 'adequate care.
The interesting thing is that today, you can receive an excellent training and ongoing support to learn to work with the Internet and low prices.
E 'Mauro Franco one of the most famous of Italian professionals anywhere. The guide costa199, 00 €.
low, not only have all the tools and knowledge it contains, but also the personal assistance you receive FREE one of the most authoritative work on-line.
So, 200 € are not few, but at the same time, they are ridiculous in comparison to an investment then that you receive direct, personal assistance of a professional of this caliber.
Here I could say that 200 cmq € bell'investimento is, if a person has to do it blindly. There are people for whom that amount is a significant part of what goes into the house in a month.
If you do not get a chance, or you believe that 200 euro is too much for trusting a stranger (found on the Internet then) you can use the method that I used.
I bought guides Mauro Franco, to start working even if I was enough one, but still not appeal to her assistance because I just read the material that I download and as a trainer because I chosen Nicola Bertram. (If you want to know more on his visit this page )
I am sure that sooner or later will use the assistance of Maureen, but now I'm still working to put into practice what I learned the guide and now and then I leave it alone (even if they are entered in his constant service to customers via mail).
Returning to Nicholas I was just immediately liked his style, the amount of valuable information that makes it available to those who want to start working with the Internet.
With him I made progress, but before I downloaded his eBook .
purchasing an eBook at a reduced cost, I realized the great value it had compared the book to its price, the clarity and concreteness of the author's explanations and assistance if necessary.
Based on this small investment (but which has since generated a great return after two years still continue to use what I learned back then), I decided to trust this person to help me to start working with the Internet.
And here I am.
So if you really want to learn to work with the Internet (or whatever you want to do) I advise you to trust those who believe to be the best.
For your choice you have to be based on your needs, the preparation that you have on your feelings "skin", but above all by the results you get.
I've always done it this way. When I decided to become a psychologist I decided to learn from those people who I considered the most valid, the same I did when I decided to start working with the Internet.
And how advise my younger colleagues to follow the same path in the profession, now do the same with those who want to start working with the Internet but does not know how to do, or already working but want to increase the quality of their work.
Learn from the right people, and the right people to recognize the results that will help you achieve.
Friday, February 4, 2011
What's The Song In Pixar Cars
How to practice the tools.
You can then manage their own resources and to focus on what you're most like, and relying on others for aspects of work where there are major gaps that can be overcome in the future, thanks to new learning or new investments .
time I decided to download this guide then use that for my work, just to create an advertising campaign, how to write a sales page or for all the tools you inside it.
As I wrote in the previous article, during the period of my first approach to the world of work in the Internet I was attracted by the ability to set the work in a way that works automatically.
The idea to do a job once and then run it forever with only minor corrections from time to time (if you will) was and is the main motivation to work.
In this way you can be sure we do not waste your time, an article written today, your own info-product offered for sale, will continue to produce income and employment opportunities for years.
Yeah .... But how?
This was the main question.
I had already downloaded a lot of material for free, and bought my first eBook on the subject and I began to understand the functioning of the work automatically, but I feel I need more tools and a more extended and comprehensive work on the Internet.
That is, how to make practical sense, like trying to do a job best done without committing blunders from the outset.
For example, you can work with the Internet to sell their product.
But how to create it? How to promote it? How to advertise effectively without spending a fortune? How to build an effective sales site? What communication use? What about in practice the site?
With the knowledge I had available at the time I need new tools that I servisseroper put into practice in my work.
To work with the Internet and create automated income must offer services and products, their own or others, but whatever type of service you would like to offer you need:
a site for sale .
a blog.
of an autoresponder.
To bring traffic to your site and your Blog.
to offer products and quality services, long lasting and motivating people to return.
know how to start and build this.
As you can see there are many tools you need and lots of information and knowledge to be acquired.
The interesting thing is that you can also have free, and you can start as autodidact with the information found.
Or and is much better for me to invest some € in his own personal training and acquire more skills as possible.
You can also choose to learn to do Some things, like writing articles, but should rather be building the site and the blog from the professionals.
You can bet on advertising for free, or on that charge.
You can then manage their own resources and to focus on what you're most like, and relying on others for aspects of work where there are major gaps that can be overcome in the future, thanks to new learning or new investments .
The very positive thing is that you can start a business in the Internet without spending a fortune now as inevitably happens with any activity you want to open in the off-line world.
The training is very cheap, without considering that if you buy an eBook for a serious professional you have the possibility of his personal assistance.
time I decided to download this guide then use that for my work, just to create an advertising campaign, how to write a sales page or for all the tools you inside it.
And I suggest you do the same if you want a complete overview of all the tools you need to work on the Internet and how to use them.
If you've already started your work online you can improve it and refine it based on suggestions by Mauro Franco, as you may know, is one of the best and brightest professionals gain and work on the Internet.
Given the low costs for training that will stay for our whole life, I recommend you hire a professional to provide its assistance and advice.
This will speed up the process and may delegate aspects of work that might otherwise take a lot of time and energy.
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