Sunday, February 27, 2011

Flexible Flyer Swing Set

mysteries of faith

If you make the union of the categories or groups of people who continue to offend Berlusconi ( teachers, magistrates, "the left", women, civil servants, temporary workers, etc.). I can not imagine who remain outside :
  • professional male
  • male employees of the UIL
  • male farmers Coldiretti
  • retired prelates of the above categories
But the total of these hard to reach over 30% of Italians in polls continue to express appreciation for Berlusconi.

mysteries of faith: unless each of those categories in mind that the insults are directed at everyone else but not him.
him as an admirer of Berlusconi, is exempt from criticism.
him as an admirer of Berlusconi pulls out of chaos.
him as an admirer of Berlusconi, has a bright future.

him as an admirer of Berlusconi, is a real idiot.


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