Friday, February 25, 2011

Dewey Body Dementia How Long To Live

The way forward for work on the web.

"Only those who have a big dream can make a big dream" .
M. Gandhi.

In the course of the previous article to start working with the Internet I said that I think the best way to open their business is to create and use your product or service.

For some people this is easier than for others. Some
know exactly what they want to do, which idea to develop and use such of its powers. For me, for example, it was easy, being a psychologist, training and personal growth were immediately on the industry to which I have decided to dedicate myself.

There are people who have chosen poetry, or how to save water .

There are people who have difficulty in choosing an area in which to pursue, most often through ignorance of as we all have skills and abilities, and also because they ignore that you can become experts in a field in a short time and then use this new knowledge to pass on to others who are looking for.

But let's see how to find their own idea of \u200b\u200bsuccess and understand how our knowledge and our skills can help us to improve our lives.

Step 1: What do I do? Many people believe they have nothing to offer. This attitude is deeply wrong. We all possess the resources, knowledge, passions and skills. I recommend you get these questions:

I like to do more than anything else?
What I'd like to do even for free?
What are my passions?
What I can do that might be interesting and useful to others?
What knowledge I have that I could convey to other people involved?

Based on the answers to these questions that we will decide concretely what we're going to do, what will be our goal.

2 nd Step: Establish good our goal as: "to write and publish an eBook, publish a gardening course on-line, etc..

3 rd Step: Make an inventory of the resources you need and what we have. To work with the Internet you need:

products or services to offer.
A web page or blog.
tools for advertising your product or service.
The skills and knowledge to better use the tools.

4 th Step: Getting the resources (or the knowledge we need and we do not possess).

All resources and tools necessary to start a business with the Internet are available to anyone who wants to use them and we want to build the necessary skills. They are also available at really insignificant compared to the cost of a store off-line.
In the internet you can sell shoes without shoes, or give vent to our creative and use what we do to make it available to others.
In future articles we will see other aspects of the work on the Internet, now if you want a real professional course for beginners to work on the Internet go to this site .

the next.


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