The daily discussions on the Internet or in everyday life often gives me the inspiration for the articles published on your blog and, in recent days discussing the origin of behavioral and psychological problems of anxiety, or speak less "medical", the things that scare us .
Some say that our fears have a genetic origin, or that depend on bio-chemical imbalances in the nervous system.
Anyone who has read the articles on these topics of this blog knows that I believe that us, which is our mind to create the reality we live in, without going to disturb the nervous system or the genetic code.
The explanation is very simple, because: Who is not afraid something? We all fear. Fear is a very good feeling, because it indicates that we must avoid the dangers or how to deal with. If, however, exceeds a certain threshold, it can become a phobia and become a serious personal problem.
I think us, with our behavior to ensure that this threshold is exceeded.
Based on data from a few years ago, the "ranking" of phobias include:
the first place: the dentist.
Second place: Planes.
Third place: Birds.
This list tells us which are the most common phobic fears, but the human mind can develop a phobia for almost any thing or situation where you can find or that it faces.
are also very popular phobias of dirt, heights, and sea water, various types of insects, but also the car, and, of course, open space, and here we go nell'Agorafobia, often associated with panic attacks.
What unites all the people who developed a phobia? All
put into practice one or more attempts to overcome the fear, which, however, exacerbate the problem instead of helping. This problem starts at the moment, an event which gives rise to the phobia.
A panic attack in an airplane or in a square, a malaise, an idea that convinces us that we are afraid of something.
planes fall, so I fear, or the dentist will make me suffer terribly, so do not go there.
From this event or idea, People who develop a phobia to start AVOID the feared situation. Or to deal only with the help of someone. These behaviors, instead of helping exacerbate the problem instead of solving it.
Avoid face our fear feeds fear itself as a powerful fertilizer makes plants grow in our garden.
said the poet Fernando Pessoa:
"I carry on my skin all the scars of the battles that I avoided combat."
If we are to overcome a phobia, we must learn to "Do Avoid " our fears, learning tools and strategies that can help us restore faith in ourselves.
Our fear, once overcome will be transformed into courage.
To help improve and strengthen ourselves, I published this Report that I recommend to those wishing to discover how to grow personally reaching their goals.
We saw then how the mind to create fear, based on our behavior, but it's the same mind that can help us to get out, or change our lives in many, indeed all aspects. To see how
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