Monday, October 25, 2010

Furry Gay En Español Comics

copyright for indexes

In questo articolo di Hal Varian , chief Economist di Google, si ribadisce che la creazione di indici di materiali protetti da copyright non deve essere soggetta in fees.
Instead, you usually pay to be included in lists such as the Yellow Pages:

Indexes, directories and catalogs are complements for the works in question, not replace them. So why publishers should not willingly accept a technology that makes their publications more accessible?
The simple answer is that publishers want to retain control over publications. Obviously, the editors would be happy if Google would create an efficient and free catalog of publications, but it would be even more rewarding if you Google them for the right to do so.
There is no doubt that publishers have the right to check whether the work is played to create another that are in competition with the original, the question is whether the rights holders should be able to control the reproduction of the work to be materially different purposes, including purposes that enhance the work in question.


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