Toys 'n' Easy Living in couple?
Among the "thousand-crisis" in the last (?) Years have affected the way we live and to live in society, the educational , that food, the of work, the economy, health, etc.. There is one pair of .
The number of marriages declined, the number of divorces has increased, and according to data published by the magazine Famiglia Cristiana, a few years ago, it would seem that even 80% of new marriages end in divorce. This rate would be lowered in recent years because of the tremendous work and economic crisis. (Divorce coast, and many more.)
What are the reasons for this phenomenon? The reasons are many, but it is one in particular:
Togetherness is' VERY DIFFICULT.
If we ask the two partners of a couple that lasts if it is, or is been easy to maintain the relationship over time inevitably respond no. They can say it was beautiful and it's wonderful to be together, but never has been or is still easy.
To succeed in building a happy and peaceful relationship of the couple takes a lot of maturity, courage, and the right tools.
tools and personal and interpersonal skills, ability to prevent and solve problems.
Couples who work are those who make a pact, CREATE A PROJECT and overcoming difficulties'.
couples who manage to overcome the difficulties and problems encountered in life as a couple, are those who accept the fact that to make their story should be great effort and great determination, and of course, a lot of love.
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