This morning, militants have carried out a block University student at the University of Fisciano leaflets to introduce the "Platform Project."
"The College Board says the courses-must-have features a start-up and introduction to the general knowledge of the matter. The courses must include groups not exceeding twenty-five to unity, in which students, relatives, personal research and open discussion can participate actively in the conduct of classes, thus avoiding the soliloquies ex cathedra of professors. If the university is really made for the students, then it must also be made by the students, the real stars of university life. "
" This continues the Board inter- - monographic courses can be the bridge between the world the study and that of work, if they are aimed at implementing in the job market for what the course offers. Obviously, these seminars-workshops should be mandatory and not optional, that is due and organically offer credits. The young and talented researchers, instead of being subdued and humiliated professors racks (which often happens), should have the right and opportunity to carry out their seminars, so that they can measure their skills and show their value . The academic hazing must stop, the future belongs to young people, who have the right to build it and the duty to build it. "
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