Friday, September 24, 2010

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Conclusions and role of the family.

Another type of food problem, this based on the pleasure, and recent discovery is that of the binge-eating. The ANADA defined in this way, those people who alternate periods of fasting and binge eating huge, just for the pleasure who derive dall'abbuffarsi after prolonged fasting. The difference with the yo-yo type of bulimia is that the latter is characterized by the fact that these people, including a blowout the other, are able to maintain a healthy diet. In the binge-eating instead is the true fast is what occurs between a blowout and another. These people do not realize that it is the abstinence from food that causes the binge eating and, therefore, this attempted solution will be the subject of the intervention. Normally, asking for help when binges are becoming more frequent and they have the feeling of losing control over their problem.

As I mentioned before in all the different types of food problem we are seeing a massive family which, unfortunately, in most cases is not only unnecessary but also damaging because it feeds the desire to solve that problem. In fact, due to his illness the patient is able to catalyze the attentions of the family upon himself drawing enormous secondary benefits has rapidly become the most important person in the family. Moreover, attempts by family members are often characterized by the control imposed on the person suffering or exhortations to people to control. As now will be clear whether a problem is based on its inability to control one thing to no avail the calls to increase this control. Eating disorders are based on a rational logic is therefore impossible to unlock using rationality and common sense. So in addition to working on the problem of employees who will also take on the attempted solutions of the family who is elected to co-therapist who performs the surgery.
summary, then, by means of behavioral requirements and restructuring of the way of perceiving reality has failed to resolve a total of 80% of cases treated over a twenty sessions.

A record goes made on those issues as food orthorexia namely the establishment of a type of special foods that "do no harm." For example, the rejection of hard foods that could choke, or too elaborate that would lead to intestinal problems, or giving up foods that contain chemicals and so on.
In these cases, what is the basis of these difficulties is to control excessive power but fear. I am therefore of food phobias and eating disorders in the strict sense and therefore should be treated as an anxiety disorder and not the theme of this conference.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tooth Extraction In Dogs

Year Old problems new!


Against fictitious new editions and arrangements between publishers and teachers who bring the prices of books the skyrocketing Block Student proposes a solution DEFINITIVA.IL TEXTBOOK ONLY! That the creation of elected committees of teachers directly by the students, the task of choosing a single edition for each subject, to be sold to students at cost price, reducing costs for families and breaking down the speculation to the detriment of public education.