ITALIAN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE PARTIES AND THE RIGHT OF CENTER RIGHT WHO BELIEVE IN FREEDOM' OF THE RESEARCH SCIENTIFIC MOVEMENT ITALIAN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH MRSI calls on all parties and movements of the center-right and a deal to raise our country in science to bring L 'Italy in the place it deserves in finding that the First.
therefore ask as chairman of an alliance with PDL and MRSI in the next election if necessary, a merger of our Movement, the People of Freedom.
But I also ask others to force the center-right and right of our beloved country to defeat an alliance and make a new wind blowing for research. Against a wind
now weakened to a Left that has always claimed to be in favor of discovery and scientific progress but the only words that contrasted to the Church and science that has put their friends or companions in our universities and research institutions by making him do the good and the bad weather at the expense of our brains deserve. it's time to say "enough",
is now to show him the true scientific research and our true minds what they can do for the good of Italy.